Apirilaren 9ean LH5 mailako neska-mutilak ingelesez aurkezpen bat egin zuten.
Itsas-txakur txiki baten bidaiari buruz hitz egin zuten.
Mª Asun esker, gure ikasleak lan ona egin dute.
Hemen daukazue trailer txiki bat.
Eta hemen filma osoa (6 min.).
Argazkiak ere ikus ditzakezue!!
On 9th April, LH5 classmates had an english presentation called “The story of the little seal”
There was a little seal that came from the North Sea (we don’t really know if it came from Scothland or from Ireland). The travel was very long and hard.
It was very sleepy and weak when it came to Ondarreta Beach (Donostia).
First the seal went to Mutriku.
After they take care of it, the little seal will return to the North Sea.
Enjoy it!!!